This guide is designed to help you lead by example, teaching your kids how to cultivate a personal connection with God and live a life grounded in faith. You are going to learn the practical skills needed to grow with God and know how to share it with your children at their level.  

You aren’t just going to transform your life, you are going to leave a legacy of faith for generations to come.  

Legacy of Faith

Get the Quick Guide Now $10

If you are struggling with...

✔ How to have conversations with your children about god
✔ understanding the best approach to sharing your faith with family members
✔ how to grow your own relationship with God
✔ passing on what truly matters (a relationship with jesus) to your children

The only thing you have the chance of taking with you to heaven is your children, but they must know Jesus Christ as their personal savior.

access now

available march 24th

✔   The 5 key areas that need addressed when passing on your faith to your children
✔  Age specific focus for each area from toddler to adult
✔  Easy-to-implement strategies
✔  Personal guidance on growing your own relationship with God
✔   Scripture to provide support along the way
✔  A better understanding of why it's vital to pass on a legacy of faith in Jesus Christ to your children

What will I learn?