Reading  the Bible shouldn't be a task we check off of our to-do list but rather something we look forward to spending time doing. It is our way to know who God is, what his character is, what he sounds like and what he has to say about our lives. It shouldn't be as  hard as  we make it. I'm here to make things easier for you. 

I offer simple, convenient resources that make reading and understanding the Bible a                not a 

have to

want to

I live in Topeka, Indiana with my husband and 2 kiddos.

I love being creative in the kitchen, snuggling by the fireplace, watching the kids play in the yard and family game nights.

Most days you'll find me in comfy pants & graphic-t's, surrounded by different versions of the Bible while I dive deeply into God's word, unearthing the sweet whisper of love from my Savior Jesus Christ. 

I'm a firm believer in easy mornings, soaking up every second of a sunset, spontaneous adventures and heart-to-heart conversations with friends. 

My faith is the bedrock of my life and business. I'm a truth seeker and when I discover something mind blowing in scripture you're sure to hear about it. I share the good news of Jesus Christ because I want you to know just how life changing taking your relationship with him to the next level can be.

Believer, wife, mom of two ,
Respiratory Therapist, 
Christian Podcaster & Teacher

Who is kala  Diane? 

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Understanding how to embrace the word is not just for the "elite" Christians. Anyone anywhere can embrace God in new ways! There is no limit to who can be in an intimate relationship with God. He welcomes all who love & accept his free gift of salvation! 

You were created with all the skills needed to draw you near to the Lord and receive what he has waiting for you in scripture wholeheartedly .... what this course does is help you recognize those skills, sharpen them and use them on a daily basis. 

You have the ability to be in an intimate relationship with the Lord... let me teach you how to use those natural born gifts to experience it in a whole new way! 

Get   the Newest  Course!